January 18, 2009

Just jumpin' mom

Bit of info here to set the scene: our home does not have an open floor plan. So, when you are at the kitchen sink, you cannot see the living room!

OK, so we had dinner Sun evening, David went to work as usual, and I did the dishes. Well, when I was finished, I went to the living room to see what the girls were doing. This was the scene:

Um, every pillow (that's 20) from the sectional was on the living room floor!!! They strategically placed them to cover all of the hardwood:) They were jumping from the couch to the floor, from pillow to pillow, and from the floor to the pillows! Just jumping around as if it were everyday activity!!!!

I asked what they were doing--"just jumpin' mom" No harm, it looked like fun, so I turned on their new CD and I joined in:)

Faith played her piano and Dalaina was in the "clapping band" (whatever that is)

It was great! The neighbors stopped over--the boy said, "I can't believe you let them do this!"
I am still unsure if that meant I was "cool" or "crazy"
The other blessing was that it drained all of their energy and they were asleep in 5minutes after they hit the pillow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!